Hello. Any Suggestions On What To Do When A Loved One Keeps Wanting To "go Home"?Of Course Saying We Are Home Is Not Working.
Sometimes "home means the house he grew up in which isn't there anymore & sometimes (when he doesn't know who I am) in means going to where I am. Any suggestions from any of you lovely people would be greatly appreciated. Best Wishes to each of you for a good day.
@A myALZteam Member: I don't have personal experience with this (yet), but someone in a support group I belong to recently said that she would sometimes put her hubby into the car and go for a short ride, then back to the house, announcing "We're home!" as she pulled into the driveway.
I go through this with my husband often. Sometimes he’s receptive to me telling about the history of this house, how we built it and about our children growing up here and my mother living with us for 13 years. Othertimes he’ll call me a liar and other nasty names. He forgets the whole thing after awhile.
I went through this. I would have my daughter or someone else call her. She would enjoy it but it sould only work for a short time. She couldn't be understood, and would babble on the phone. She also didn't know me. I wish you well.
That worked for him sometimes, but lately he gets angry when we get home and will ask “Why did we come here?” Of course I tell him “This is home” , but he doesn’t believe it. Ugh!
@A myALZteam Member 3
Sometimes what they are looking for isn't a physical place as it is the feeling of security and meaning. I would show my husband the rooms and say, do you really think a transmitter site would have a laundry room and bedrooms, but it wouldn't compute. His life was his work and his self worth. I am trying to make him feel "worthy" in other ways to try to decrease this. Sometimes, there just isn't much you can do about it. Usually the nightly question of where are we going to sleep he accepts my answer of this bedroom is for you to use tonight. He's always afraid I'm going to throw him out into the cold, I think.
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