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Top 10 search results for "Risperdal" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.


A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My husband was put on this drug. Has anyone had any experience with this for their loved one?

A myALZteam Member

My mom couldn't take anything for her dementia out was like giving her flu symptoms each dose. This could be why she lasted nearly 20 years from the onset?


A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My mother has been taking quetiapine but it is like taking aspirin for a broken leg to control pain. Is this a stronger or better medicine for extreme agitation

A myALZteam Member

We have been experimenting with meds for 3 years but, started with Risperdal IT worked for a while but, then it did NOTHING!!
Trial and error JUST DON'T GIVE UP!!!šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡

New Meds

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My father went to see his primary(who he has seen for over 50 years). We told him the valium 3xs daily isnt working for my dads anxiety and we need something new. He spent less then 1 minute in the room and prescribed Xanax 2xs daily, and Ativan 1x nightly. Since on the meds(1 week today) he mood s have changed for the better but he is delusional. All he talks about is a lawsuit he won and how we are billionaires.(did not happen though). Every day he starts off by saying reporters will be at hisā€¦ read more

A myALZteam Member

Bless your heart! Yes, everyone should monitor the facilities their loved ones live in! As a retired RN, I see absolutely no reason for your treatment by doc and staff! Just outrageous. I agree on oneā€¦ read more

How Do I Handle Violent Screaming Meltdowns That Lasts More Than 2 Hours At A Time.

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My mother is 89 years old and became severely dimensional about 4 years ago after a fall and a failed hip replacement. She is wheelchair bound and hurt herself several times ( broken ribs, open wounds on her eyebrows and face and bruises all over her body) by getting out of the wheelchair in seconds in her familyā€™s presence to pick up the dirty cups for washing or trying to tidy the room
Her hallucinations and sundownining are very vivid and she lives in constant fear about preparing dinnerā€¦ read more

A myALZteam Member

I have to que down what's on the.. TV I leave the room and night time tylonal

My Mom Is At The Moderate Level Of Alzheimerā€™s. She Has Started Picking And Scratching At Her Skin.

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

She says it doesnā€™t itch but she has scratched one spot on her head until itā€™s bald. The dermatologist said there is nothing that needs treated but she canā€™t leave that spot alone. Now she picks and scratches her face and arms and has visible sores. The neurologist also said there is nothing he can prescribe to help. She does not seem to be anxious. Iā€™m at a loss as to how to get her to stop picking and scratching.

A myALZteam Member

My H. has what his dermatologist calls ā€œPicker Nodulesā€ on his chest and neck. If not scratching heā€™s rubbing them. He was prescribed a cream. They are shrinking, finally. Every time I catch him, Iā€¦ read more

Have Any Of You, Who Have Lost Loved Ones With Dementia, Observed Them Having Terminal Restlessness?

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My husband, who is under hospice, has recently become non stop restless and not able to sleep at all. Just previous to this, he was in a cycle of being up 24 hours and then sleeping 24 hours. But now, heā€™s not sleeping at all.

A myALZteam Member

Thatā€™s good to hear. Now maybe you can get a little rest. The last few weeks before Ernie passed were physically and mentally exhausting. He started refusing food the second day he was in hospice. Heā€¦ read more


A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My father was in ER again(2 times in last week), Dr called what he had End stage dementia , and what he was experiencing was Sundowning? (Hallucinations) Anyone have any tips. Is there a actually type of dr that deals with this or dementia
I got a 430 am wake this morning my dad said he wa kidnapped and I needed to call police. I tried to calm him down and reassure him he was ok. Then there was a bang on his door and it was the police, he called 911 before me...They were understanding, but I amā€¦ read more

A myALZteam Member

I fully agree with NormaDeAnne! The Assisted could try to take his phone at night time only. Then he'll wake home staff 1st to state problem. Not too many Assisted Cares are equipped to deal withā€¦ read more

Anyone Have Experience With Haldol? And How Do I Tell If He Is Agitated Or Just "active"?

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

We started Dad on low does at night to help him not fall out of bed, and to get a better night's sleep, with less agitation. Seems to have worked great.

During the day, Dad gets into periods where he counts and moves his arms, hands and maybe even his legs some (wheelchair bound). Hospice at the AL center suggested that this is a sign of agitation and they recommend more Haldol. I don't want him agitated, but I also don't want to just add pills to keep him somewhat sedated. I feel like hisā€¦ read more

A myALZteam Member

Mom only gets this in extremely agitated condition. She is on Trazedone on a regular basis and that seems to keep her on a more even keel,she doesn't seem drugged.

Anyone Using A Psychologist With Dementia Background Over A Neurologist?--

A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­
A myALZteam Member

Seroquel or Risperdal will lower/stop restlessness and hallucinations...maybe ask your pharmacist about these meds if it worries you...lots of folks here may post re success with those meds


A myALZteam Member asked a question šŸ’­

My dad has dementia Alzheimer's he becomes very combative at times doesn't sleep at night is a Wanderer Sundowners is terrible we had to place him in care a month ago have been trying different medications he wasn't want anything prior to his placement but everything is so sedating before we couldn't get him to go to sleep and now everything just keeps him sleepy and so out of it what kind of medication are your loved ones on that have them thriving and up during the day and restful at night?

A myALZteam Member

Did you find out what meds he was taking that were working?