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Top 10 search results for "Haldol" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Has Anyone’s Loved One Been Put On Haldol (haloperidol) For Aggressive Behavior?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
A myALZteam Member

Thanks, cv2. I’ve noticed multiple others on this site saying they’re loved ones are on Zoloft (sertraline). I just read that it treats obsessive-compulsive disorder (bothersome thoughts that won't go… read more

Where Can You Place A Very Combative Person?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My husband is very combative when We try to help him. He fights and kicks the home care givers out of the house. Police have been called twice. Dr. put him on haldol but that doesn't seem to stop him when we try to clean him up, or get him dressed or redirect him. But it does keep him at bay when we're not asking something of him. He's in hospital now for his 2nd seizure. Trying to place him but no facility will take him after they read his records. They changed his med's, but he's still… read more

A myALZteam Member

Has your husband had a brain scan? Has he seen a neurologist?

Any People Have Issues With Donepezil And Leaky Bowels? Husband Wont Talk About It, But I See It On His Underpants.

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
A myALZteam Member

Yes, donepezil can cause GI problems. Talk to his doctor.

My Husband Has Been Experiencing A Lot Of Shaking Hands And Feet. One Of The Original Possibilities Was Parkinsons. Is That More On Course

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Read Article...
A myALZteam Member

Was he ever on psychiatric drugs like Haldol if so could be TARDIVE DYSKANEASIA if so Austedo is good for tremors.

My Husband Is Getting More & More Agitated. Cursing Alot Etc.... What Meds Have You All Found Worked Without Them Being Totally Spaced Out.

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
A myALZteam Member

I would start a journal and take to the doctors next apt . Or just make an apt for this kind of behavior .

Halidol Drug

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My mom is in late stage of AD and her hospice team is thinking of trying her on Halidol for anxiety? Mom is currently on Ativan and it takes about 40 minutes for it to take effect and sometimes longer she cry’s out for her mom usually just using sayin Ma for the whole duration and sometimes I have to amend with morphine if the Ativan does not kick in . Does anyone have any advice about there loved ones on Halidol which is a hallucination drug usually used for schizophrenics and look like has… read more

A myALZteam Member

It's a demented game, and I'm losing.

Anyone Have Experience With Haldol? And How Do I Tell If He Is Agitated Or Just "active"?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

We started Dad on low does at night to help him not fall out of bed, and to get a better night's sleep, with less agitation. Seems to have worked great.

During the day, Dad gets into periods where he counts and moves his arms, hands and maybe even his legs some (wheelchair bound). Hospice at the AL center suggested that this is a sign of agitation and they recommend more Haldol. I don't want him agitated, but I also don't want to just add pills to keep him somewhat sedated. I feel like his… read more

A myALZteam Member

Mom only gets this in extremely agitated condition. She is on Trazedone on a regular basis and that seems to keep her on a more even keel,she doesn't seem drugged.

Hi, My Wife Is 58 And Has Been Diagnosed With Severe E/O Alz/Dem. She Is Being Treated With Meds For Anxiety, Depression And Aggression.

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

Her Neurologist prescribed Duloxitine 60 MG in am. Quetiapine 25 MG in am, 25 MG in afternoon 50 MG at pm and Olanzipine 5 MG at pm. My wife refuses to swallow these, so I have been having to crush the tabs and open the Duloxitine capsule and mix them in applesauce. The Neurologist said this was okay to do and the Duloxitine is not the delayed release
My wife has been on the Duloxitine and Quetipine for about 8 weeks now and they just started the olanzapine last week. Her aggression,… read more

A myALZteam Member

@A myALZteam Member
My husband ,Tim has recurring UTI and it seems like antibiotics started not working well and his doctor changed it to the different kind of antibiotics few days ago ,,it is too… read more


A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

Can it be used with thyroid meds

A myALZteam Member

I dont know about dementia but I have Tourettes tics (increased when I am tired, anxious, stressed or going through trauma). I was given haloperidol but did not like the tight cramps in the thighs it… read more

Have Any Of You, Who Have Lost Loved Ones With Dementia, Observed Them Having Terminal Restlessness?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭

My husband, who is under hospice, has recently become non stop restless and not able to sleep at all. Just previous to this, he was in a cycle of being up 24 hours and then sleeping 24 hours. But now, he’s not sleeping at all.

A myALZteam Member

That’s good to hear. Now maybe you can get a little rest. The last few weeks before Ernie passed were physically and mentally exhausting. He started refusing food the second day he was in hospice. He… read more