My Husband Was Diagnosed In 2019 And Is Still Driving. Is This Normal? How Long Would You Expect This To Continue?
@A myALZteam Member, I would always make safety the priority. If he poses as risk to himself or others on the road, it is time to stop driving.
@A myALZteam Member: This discussion may be of great help to you.
That's a good idea. I hate to take his license when he seems to be doing well with it.
I don't think there is a way to determine this. Things can progress slowly for many people. The difficult part is that someone's status can change very abruptly. I believe in many states, the dr.can order a driving evaluation. I think an annual test is a good idea. Or maybe even every 6 months, depending.
It’s more a question of what stage he’s in. Some people have a very, very gradual progression; others progress quickly. So determine what stage your husband is in. Stage 5 can be “iffy”; by Stage 6 it’s probably a very hard no.
Early Onset Frontal Lobe Dementia.
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