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What Does Your Loved One Do When You Are Busy Doing Something Else?

A myALZteam Member asked a question 💭
O Fallon, MO

I feel bad. I brought my dad into our home. He was a farmer. He had cattle and cats he watched over. It was getting expensive to let stay at home. Letting him stay at home by himself, wasn't an option anymore. At our house, I feel guilty. He's just sitting around like a rock on a log. He loves walks, cat rides, shopping, church and meeting new people. I tried to get him to feed our cat. Started out good. Now not so much. Sometimes, he will work on a puzzle. What do others loved ones… read more

December 20, 2023
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A myALZteam Member

Marcia dont give up on the day care. He probably is fine when he is there. You meed a break. It was a Godsend for me for the few times my husband went. I had him go twice a week and was looking to go for more when je was admitted to hospital. It was great to have the freedom to get my appointments handled.

December 23, 2023
A myALZteam Member

I struggle with this also. She was a winter carnival queen, so she is social. I enjoy it but I have twice as much to do! Try some things. No stupid ideas! Maybe you can take him to church on a Wednesday.. Day care.. I should try that! Remember, Babe Ruth struck out over 1300 times, but he also hit 714 home runs!

December 20, 2023
A myALZteam Member

Thank you @A myALZteam Member for the compliment. Since your Dad forgets easily, I think it is best to say this as close to the time as possible but when things are calm. It’s good to look at assisted living and get his name on a list. Many have a long waiting list. Find out what requirements are to be there. Around me, they have to be able to toilet themselves. The facility will take care of meals, showers, activities and most will do a med administration, but not injections (like insulin). I’m praying that your Dad will enjoy daycare. You might mention to staff that he is a farmer and ask if there are other farmers that he could connect with. That might give him some camaraderie there. Good luck.

January 20, 2024
A myALZteam Member

I would play concert videos of music she liked. Also, if working in the yard I would play music. One still must be careful to watch on a regular basis as they may get up and wander.

December 20, 2023
A myALZteam Member

This is hard, especially when your loved one cannot do anything without assistance. My mom can no longer fold even washcloths anymore and so its' frustrating for her to do much. Music has been our saving grace. I might suggest headphones so that your dad can really experience his own music near you while you focus on something else. I'm still figuring it out as my mom's focus changes. For a few years, she could not focus on movies because she could not follow it, but now she will sit through a movie and enjoy it, even if she can't follow it. I just pick happy movies, comedies, or old dramas from her younger years that she is familiar with such as musicals. Anyway, things continue to change and I have found that we have to continue to adjust and find new things. Another thought is to get para-cord (different colors) and try getting him to tie them, braid them, etc. I am going to try this for mom because she is getting fixated on her pant's waste ties.

January 7, 2024

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